Breath is our life long, most intimate companion.
From the first grasp of air to the last exhale.

The power of conscious breathing is limitless, each breath is the single most powerful thing we can do to cultivate physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual wellbeing.
Chronic stress patterns, addictive behaviours, emotional overwhelm — all these common challenges can be potently met with the gentle elixir of conscious breathing.
With continued attention to your breath, you can create a new baseline of stability and resilience in your day-to-day experience.

The BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System that I am offering online and in person is a very gentle and intuitive approach that empowers your body’s natural healing process.

BBTRS® calls on the power of all of the body’s systems.

The 6-Element approach supports your body’s unique needs at any given moment. This creates a flexible and dynamic experience that goes deeper than traditional therapies.


BBTRS® uses deep connected breathing to charge up the body, activating specific belts of muscular tension and emotional patterns. The sessions are designed in a series to stimulate and rebalance your mind and body from head to toe.


BBTRS® uses both somatic and creative movement exercises to allow vibration and release held energy in the body’s tissue. This may include fascial opening, core tension release and therapeutic use of dance.
From playful warm-ups, to whole-body shaking, to undulating spinal waves, movement is key to what makes BBTRS® truly transformative.


The effects of sound on our nervous system are truly remarkable. It is one of the most powerful and supportive tools we can use in BBTRS sessions. With conscious intention and creative use, vocalization, recordings, and live instrumental sounds are a tremendous resource in sessions.


BBTRS® uses conscious touch at many levels, from the body’s energetic field to contact with core muscles. It’s applied with sensitivity to increase awareness and support energy flow.
Understanding how and when to use conscious touch is central to all trainings.


Soft emotional release can be part of a BBTRS® session, but not a goal. You are supported to stay present while revisiting deeper feelings and sensations – and to return to your own sense of comfort whenever necessary. This balance is key to the BBTRS® approach. It supports you to release and integrate trauma, rather than simply relive it or become overwhelmed.


Meditation is where BBTRS® begins and ends. It’s used to support resonance in the practitioner and integration for the client. It’s also the resting state the mind and body often return to after BBTRS® sessions. Different approaches are used within BBTRS workshops and trainings, from active meditations, to sitting silently in some of the earth’s most sacred places.

       What can I expect in a breathwork session?

Our session starts before we meet in person when you complete the consultation form. 
It is a necessary part of the whole journey, it helps me to create an informed and safe space for you.

We start our session with a short grounding exercise to help you land in the present moment. Creating a safe space for clarity and an embodied presence to identify the concern/problem/challenge that you want to work with during the session, I will help you find a resource which will support you on your journey. I will meet you where you are in yourself, supporting what is present and what wants to be expressed. 
You will move gently into the session by expanding the volume of your breath, activating your system and allowing the natural movement of your body to arise. During the whole session we are going to pendulate between the activation and the resource, grounding all of it in you "felt sense" making the whole experience more digestible for your body. You are in charge of the process and the rhythm throughout the whole time. I am with you to offer guidance with conscious touch and movement to support physical and emotional release.
This active part of the process typically last around one hour, after which I will guide you gently into an integration phase, where you are invited to rest, receive and simply be with yourself. 
After integration I will welcome you back into presence, encouraging you to naturally engage with your senses, move your body, ground yourself and slowly come back into connection with me. 
At the end of the session there is always time available for sharing and deeper understanding of the experience if it will feel supportive for you.


Single session in person 2 hours long £150 


For new clients I offer 30 min. free consultation in person, on the phone or online. 

I am looking forward to connecting with you.


What can I expect form an online breathwork session? 

. It took me by surprise how powerful this work can be when it is done online. It is a perfect solution for people who prefer to explore their challenges in the comfort and safety of their own environment. Working online has been  incredibly successful for myself and my clients. The magic of human connection it is as present as it is in person.
It is a perfect introduction for people who are new to breathwork and trauma release.
The whole process follows the same steps as It would have been if done in person. (please read above)
Additionally, during the process online you are going to learn simple and powerful self touch techniques supporting you to release the tension from a particular belt of tension.
Online breathwork session allows me to work with international clients in different time zones and it becomes more available to anyone who is committed to their own healing journey.


Single session 90 mins.  £90


supports so many of the challenges that we are experiencing every day.

It reduces stress, creates feelings of spaciousness, peace, gratitude, love, clarity and connection. 


*Physical alignment


*Body awareness

*Inner balance

*Connection to others


*Spiritual connection

*Emotional integration

*Health & well-being


*Mental clarity




*Attention deficit disorder



*Chronic fatigue


*Difficulty focusing

*Obsessive-compulsive disorder

*Physical/emotional pain

*Post-traumatic stress disorder


*Stress-related medical illnesses



Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I prepare for the breathwork session?

    I highly recomend to attend the session with an empty stomach but if this is not possible then please have a light meal. 

    Please do not drink alcohol or use recreational drugs on the day of our session. 

    It’s best to wear loose-fitting clothing that supports movement and relaxation.

    Please bring along a personal item that evokes feelings of comfort  for you (photograph, crystal, piece of jewellery, blanket, teddy bear etc).

  • Self care after the session.

    It would be wonderful if you could create some  space for yourself  to integrate your breathwork experience. Inetragion time is as important as the session itself. 

    Be gentle with yourself, drink lots of water to hydrate and flush any moving toxins. 

    Rest, sleep or attend gentle activities.

    Take a warm bath with some essential oils.

    Eat grounding and healthy food.

    Spend some time in nature or walk bare foot on the Earth.

    Do some journalling.

  • Who can benefit from breathwork?

    There is a belief that healing arts are for individuals who are struggling or suffering. And yes, breathwork is very supportive for stress, tension, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, fear, grief, sadness, anger, trauma, insomnia, etc. 

    Please  open up to the idea that breathwork is also nourishing for someone who is doing well and feels ready for expansion and the next layer of love, peace, gratitude, clarity, connection, and insights.

  • Are there any contradictions to this type of Breathwork?

    Standard contraindications for breathwork can include the following health challenges:

    Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Epilepsy, Heart conditions, COPD, High or Very Low Blood Pressure with fainting history, recovering from surgery or a person in the first or third trimester of pregnancy. 

    Nevertheless, it is possible to adapt the breathing so people with present health challenges can still benefit from this work. The first step could be guiding the person to reconect with the felt sense of their body and invite very gentle nose breathing.  Personal approach will always be considered, following an in depth consultation form.


Please act with consideration of giving us much notice as possible

should you need to change your booking, thank you.

If you need to cancel your appointment, we respectfully request at least 48 hours notice.

Any cancellation or reschedule made less than 48 hours will result in a cancellation fee.

Cancellation fees are: 50% charge if less than 48hrs notice, 100% if less than 24hrs.


On occasion, it may be necessary that we need to change your booking for some reason.

If we ask you to change your appointment with less than 24 hours notice, or if we are unable to offer you a suitable

appointment on the same day, or if we need to move your appointment to another day because of our circumstances,

you are welcome to an additional 15 minutes of treatment time or 10% off your treatment,

whichever is preferable by way of compensation.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation 


Together we can explore and expand 
the way you breathe life.


"As you breathe in, cherish yourself.

As you breath out, cherish all Beings."

Dalai Lama

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